Thursday, September 16, 2010

Last night in Paris

Today I has a really frustrating time, the door to our room locked and wouldnt let me in, I had been out for a walk to have chocolate and cousant, and came back to that, it took four people three hours to finally fix it.....Sacre blure!  Any way I enjoyed myself by just wnadering and went to see another art museum, one earnest delacrox, who liked to paint tigers, he was living out of Paris and was asked to paint the roof of sant germaine church, so found a small flat (their words) near by, the house was beautiful, very french with big windows, and the back door led to his studio, which was huge too. Any way after pursuing a tiger or two i went back to the hotel, and slept, which was just as well, as at 8 we left for the resturant where we were to meet carla carlo and franko, italian family who do business at nzll. The tom tom has been loaded with the european map, and was a little help, but we arrived on time, the resturant was fablouse, we were treated to a seafood meal to end all meals, franko speeks no english, but I had him won over in a short time, he kept calling me bella (beautiful) may be because he had a little drink or two. Our meal consisted of pate de foi gra, thought of Julia Child it is the most b eautiful thing I have ever eaten, it is silky and delicate, rich and just really sexy. OUr main was three huge platters of every sea food you could imagine, from oysters, to winkles, to crabs and shrimp, and cray fish, we were given impliments to eat with that you could see at the dentist, the sight of Jeeves trying to wrinkle out a winkle with his winkle picker was a sight to be seen, we got back about one oclock, although Paris was still buzzing, we slept...This morning we are packing, off to see Notre Dame, and then on the train to the UK.....our next post will be from there.   much love Hilda dn Burt

1 comment:

  1. I bet neither of you will miss the hotel in Paris! Sounds like they make Faulty Towers look like the Hilton.

    We are suffering severe cabin fever here. The mini ginger ninja seems to be suffering the worst. The constant rain has turned him into a monster. Not a cute furry monster either. He's a whingy, crying, throw myself down and scream when I bang my head, Mr No No. He would have come in handy in France as they would have worked very quickly to open your door if it meant you could then contain the wild child.

    I miss my sweet little boy. This morning I had a 'heart in mouth' situation as I found him hanging out of the window in the lounge yelling at the storm. He had climbed on the couch, opened the window and god only knows what he was going to do next!

    I'm sure you are enjoying being back in the Mother land. I got your txt that you'd been past Maidstone. Lucky things!!

    Look forward to your next posts.

    All is well with everyone I've spoken to.

    Love Silvia, Carl XVI Gustav and Carl Philip
