Monday, September 13, 2010

The darkness of the night

No little blue pills were taken last night, and it was a disturbing one at that. We were called by the power company in newzealand to tell us that the final reading of sarah and toms account would not happen due to the eathquake.....that was at 11.20....then at 2 we woke again, and the toilet  bloc ked, not one to be disturbed by such unnatural occurances, I took one wire coat hanger and managed to fix it....ah the no 8 wire trick helps here.....nothing seems to work in parisian hotels, the tv is stuck on one channel, the safe refuses to open and give up its contents, the lights work only if they feel like it and the bed has a ridge down the middle which if one falls into is like climbing  mt everest to get out of....still no gosts of time past have yet dared to wander our room, if they do they will have servere injuries due to the mess......our love Jack and Rose.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh good to see our secetarys can still field our calls while they are holidaying !! Sorry about that, but yay good news :)

    Love Rah DE Rah
