Friday, September 10, 2010

Christchurch Airport

Had a wonderful meal last night with Chris, Alice, Dan,Sarah and Tom, and of course Neil, then off to the hotel SO, which rocked and rolled all night with aftershocks, although I did sleep well, cause I dribbled!!
Prior to this we had a little melt down, when Neil decided he had to many clothes, and wanted to repack, so I did too. At the end of that Neil didnt discard anything, and I did.....My one bag weighed exactly 20kg, plenty of room to bring things back. Any way a pile of pork ribs helped the gumps, and a good sleep. After lots of farewells, and one of my darling kids needing windscreen wipers for his eyes we toddled into the airport and did all the official things. We are now chilling while we wait for our boarding call. The loos in the lounge are so awesome, like from the 1920s, even a dressingtable to sit at and do your hair. Still carnt believe that we are off overseas. Hope everyones weekend goes really well......


  1. Hope you're enjoying your flight. Flynn loved the party especially the bouncy castle which he took to straight away and only left to eat mountains of popcorn and sausage rolls. He was uber tired when we got home!

    love lots xx

  2. I slept very soundly after last night because of the ribs!!
    Daniel is checking out your itinery! hmmming and ahhhing at it!

    Hope your enjoying the flight
    And dad it was running bull xxxx
