Monday, September 13, 2010

Funeral Notice

At three pm this afternoon in Paris, Mrs Pomeroy died and went to heaven. She wants you to know that heaven is just across the road from the wee hotel we are staying in. It is infact the Laduree, founded in 1862, and was the first tea house in Paris to admit women. She died after wafting in off the street, and being enveloped in all things cake and coffee. There were funeral tones as cake was revently eaten and tea or coffee sipped. Angels glided around the cafe, (a large one for Paris) delivering delights to those lucky enough to be admitted. One could not but be impressed by the food of paradise, multi layed cake, served on lamoge tableware, with silver knives and forks. Deciding to go out on a cloud of chocolate,walnut and mousse cake, she sipped white coffee, with three fruits flavour. This was the equivilant of white tea,(as opposed to green) and was clear, with wonderful fruit flavours, (she could have added the odd sugar cube or two, but decided not too!) Its kick was equavillent to those of the same mule that carried Jesus into Jersulum, all those years ago.(not many people know just how grumpy that thing was) Mrs Pomeroy was laid to rest in her hotel room where she snoozed until Frank arrived back from the fair, and made quite a lot of noise trying to get the rooms safe open. Of course she had set the number for it and it wasnt opening at all and still isnt. Frank is in a flunk and has been sent for a cooling and restorative shower, just before she hit him with a shoe like impliment having quite destroyed the feeling of calm in the room. We are dining alone tonight, which is great because Mrs P has a sore ankle, having once again walked for miles. I think that tomorrow will be just as exciting, as I have a date with Mr Monet,who I believe can do a pretty good drawing, having been given colouring books from an early to alll Frank and Mrs P.

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