Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sunday, Plums, and other things.

Plums, and Pigs, Plums, and Pigs, go to gether like a horse and carriage. la la la

So many plums, that Father N is making chutney and other delisious delights,

Today has been rather strange, I slept in, and felt guilty , then got up and ran out of steam, then had a bath and went back to bed, then when the others came back from church I got up again for a wee while, but felt so cold I went back to bed for a little time, then got up again,  I felt like a jack in the box........Hmm I had a jack in the box morning.

 We have been collecting our poetry books to put in one place, we have quite a few, and rather varyied. Awesome,      we have also decided on the new deck and where that is going to hang out. Good when 2 minds think alike.......aroha Sue.

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