Reading other peoples blogs makes me think that may be I do have somthing to say to the world,
Things like for example Craigmore valley road, a winding road, with deep grey tarmac and white lines, and there in the middle of the road in what was once a pot hole is a luscious clump of green grass just sitting there sort of saying " Look at me" . I wish I could paint and then this is what I would paint.
The decision not to please people this year, to say no to people, and to spend time meditating and taking time to smell the flowers.
To take Christophers balls away from him, so he does not contstantly play with them, When the cricket is on he has a cricket ball and when its rugby its a rugby ball.....being constantly thacked against the wall, the chair, the anything......thankfully Iggy eats them as fast as he can find them.
The decision to be sociable at least once a week, with interesting people, not necessarly church people, but people who have bright and interesting views of the world.
No to worry about what other people think of me,,,,,they can go take a jump. If I want to wear stripes and patterns together then I will.
To relish my family, my abilities and my talents, and to make the appointment to have a tattoo.....
Remember that its better not to look back, otherwise you may fall over what the future has to offer you and break somthing.....
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