Went to a funeral today, there is a difference between a funeral for someone who has no faith in any afterlife and someone who has a belief in something. There seems to be some sort of strength.
The weather has been perfect for doing not much, but being a little creative, I have so many plans for all sorts of sutff, but am taking painkillers for the last 2 nights, so when I wake up what I think and what I say are two differrent thing. Its like its raining in my brain.
Reading an excellent book at the moment, callled "An afternoon in Summer" doing nothing, gaining everything, is alll about a woman who has a sabatical on Rarotonga island. She is from America and finds early on that life on a pacific island works at a very different pace to that back home.
She begins to see little things like butterflies, lizzards etc which she would never have seen or looked at for long in her previous life.
Its a good reminder that to stop and just be, brings into focus all sorts of things, like this morning I looked at an apricot sitting on the bench (not for long!)
Its not all orange at all but has many colours in it from red to yellow,,,,why have I never done that before I ask myself.....
Could be that Chris is off at work, and we slept timm 11.20 when Alice and Daniel Arrived to find us leaping out of bed to see who had arrived.
This afternoon is the end of the pantry saga, it has taken a week to sort out and label and repackage stuff in the 2 pantries. Tomorrow we start on Chris room to make room for E,K and F to come and live in it!!!!
More to come,,,,,,,love some comments xxxx
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