Friday, August 27, 2010

What is wrong with me

I have packed all the clothes I am going to take with me in a pack and save shopping bag.....there must be somthing missing.... but what????
Oh another note I have just finished writing a story for my darling little is now being illustrated by the one and only TD Watson a renound artist residing in Christchurch, but originally from the Wellington area.   Some of his work can be viewed at his web site  Tfor Tom.. Especially like his eco tagging, and in co operation with him am at this moment mixing mud with other products to make a eco tagging pain.     more later......think the clog dancers are back tooo....


  1. I put a comment here yesterday and now it has gone.

  2. oh dear, where could the comment be, dear dear where could the comment be, oh dear where could the comment be, emma put one here to see.
