Friday, August 27, 2010

What is wrong with me

I have packed all the clothes I am going to take with me in a pack and save shopping bag.....there must be somthing missing.... but what????
Oh another note I have just finished writing a story for my darling little is now being illustrated by the one and only TD Watson a renound artist residing in Christchurch, but originally from the Wellington area.   Some of his work can be viewed at his web site  Tfor Tom.. Especially like his eco tagging, and in co operation with him am at this moment mixing mud with other products to make a eco tagging pain.     more later......think the clog dancers are back tooo....

Monday, August 23, 2010

What to Pack......

Just found a website that tell me what to pack for a long trip, half the things I dont own, gaffa tape? please who needs that. It must be an american I guess. I am planning to put the bits and pieces on my bed and then either add or take away what I dont need. I hope it will be take away....I will colour co ordinate  black and white with flashes of I need chopsticks, compas and whistle?
Check out the hotel we hope to stay at in London....Cherry Court....very where are my 3pairs of socks and long lightweight underwear?????

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Big Trip

Dearest Friends,
Now that Jeeves has begun to sort out our itinerary, I thought I would give it to you so you
can slather with jealousy.
Friday 10th of September we leave for our favourite hotel in Chch, where after a good sleep, we leave on Saturday 11th of November, on Singapore Airlines to Singapore.....then on to Paris.
We arrive Paris on the 13th, and stay there until the afternoon of the 17th, at 3.30 where we board the Euro Star and travel to the UK, where we pick up a rental car, and drive to Chiddingfold, where we stay the night. the 18th of Sep we attend a wedding at 12.30 and hopefully imbibe much sparkly wine. Sunday we fly to Florence, where we will stay till the 22nd of September, when we fly back to the UK, stay a night in London, and then take a train to Shrewsburry to collect the van on the 24th of Sep. after picking up van we then pick up Mike and Pilla and drive to the New Forrest for the weekend. On Sunday the 26th we drive back to Godalming drop off Pilla and Mike and then drive to a field in Kirdford where we will stay until the Tuesday, when we will toddle off to the Lake district and then on to Bonny Scotland, from the 2nd to the 5th we havent any idea what we are going to do. On the 6th we drop off the van and take a train to London, from where Sue will fly out to NZ on the Saturday, and Neil will fly to Florence. I arrive in NZ at 10.20 on Monday the 11th, and then drive to Alex on either the 12th or 13th, to have fun with Greer and Payton......Neil flies back arriving at 1020 on Sunday the 17 but will fly into Queeenstown to see the girls too. here endeth the first lesson.

Trip of the year.