So its back to the land of the long white cloud, and the feeling that nothing has happened and the trip was a dream. But back to the beauty of Spring in the south island, and the vibrant green of grass growing at such a rate that we have decided to buy a new lawnmower. Ah one with a drink holder, so important in the summer!
Since returning we have had a number of adventures, today was a great example. I travelled to Christchurch to pick up Lady Minnie, and to see Lady Verouka at the same time. Lady Minnie had a interview with a view to a change of career, and Lady V and Master Pottleswaith and I wandered the streets of the city which has been called the most British of Cities outside of Christchurch. We passed Rangi Ruru, a private school for girls, and took in the beautiful presbyterian church, (wooden) on the way. Ah to see that young ladies are still being taught in bastions of the past is heart warming. We then made our way to the exibition of Ron Muche (sp) a sculpture who works in plastic//hair/ and uses these to amazing use, in that the sculpures are lifelike to the zeneith. The first to be seen is a 1/4 sized model of his father (in death) amazing, the body hair, the colour of the features, are just right for someone dead. He manages to bring a authintisity to the thing which is a little expects them to move or breath at any moment. We then had coffee and dropped Lady Verouka at her work place. We then proceded to muck around for some time and then we went to the cinema and watched Made in Dagnanam. A film set in the 1969-70 in London at the Ford factory. Amazing to see how recently woman were seen as second class citizens, and how hard it was for them to voice their opinions. A good film, although we still have a long way to go with womas rights, as we seem to have dropped the baton along the way, disinfranchised men, and stuffed up our children. Anyway a good night our, especiallly with the curry to follow, although the resultant indergestion is leaving somthing to be desired.
It is nearly 2am and I feel sleep ariving.......tomorrow is another day, and a road trip back home is looming,